The trip to IWA and the visits to the supplier factories and shops in Germany were incredibly valuable. There is truly nothing like shaking hands and engaging in face-to-face conversations to build and strengthen working relationships.
Look out for new products and additional options beyond what we are accustomed to seeing.
Regards Ruth
Target Shooting NZ is excited to announce that they are now
the owners of Shooting Stuff
and from 30 December will be running sales
through the website
alongside TSNZ Trading.
Nick and Julie have done a great job expanding the Shooting Stuff range and name over the past 15 years, but have now chosen to move on to other things. It was important for them to find a buyer for their business that would be familiar with the sport and shooters, and they have great confidence that TSNZ Trading Manager Ruth, and her husband Robbie, both have the needed expertise and enthusiasm.
TSNZ will be retaining the Shooting Stuff name, email address, and website so orders can be placed exactly the same way they were before via the website.
TSNZ has purchased all the current Shooting Stuff stock and will continue to sell the fabulous products that have been bought in over the years from suppliers such as Walther, Feinwerkbau and Kurt Thune, and support will continue to be provided to those who have purchased these in the past.